Leah Sugerman

practice with The Nomadic Yogi

Female yoga teacher dressed in black doing crow pose (bakasana)

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Leah Sugerman

Yoga teacher, teacher trainer, writer and passionate world traveler

From Leah's very first encounter with yoga, she was hooked. She fell in love with the pure dichotomy of the practice: the stark contrast between the strength and power compared to the grace and surrender. She enjoys the beautiful dance between the two extremes that happens on (and off!) her mat every day. Leah has been a passionate, dedicated practitioner since her very first class.

A grateful student of her vastly knowledgeable teachers, Leah teaches a fusion of the styles that she has studied with a strong emphasis on breath, anatomy, awareness, and the sacred balance between effort and ease in the practice. Her classes find equal emphasis on strength building of the mind, body, and soul, as well as flexibility of the same.

When Leah is not teaching, she can be found practicing handstands in the sand, finding magic and eloquence playing with words, or traveling to far ends of the globe with her mat in hand.

Leah is a Yoga Alliance® certified teacher with over 1,500 hours of training and more than 4,000 hours of teaching experience.

Female yoga teacher practicing reverse warrior overlooking river in BudapestFemale yoga teacher practicing forearm stand (pincha mayurasana) on a sandy beach in front of a mountain and ocean in Hong KongSilhouette of a female yoga teacher practicing dancer's pose (natarajasana) on a beach in front of the ocean and rocks in Costa RicaFemale yoga teacher in black leggings and a yellow tank top practicing camel pose (ustrasana) on a sandy beach in front of a mountain in Hong KongFemale yoga teacher in a bikini practicing full side plank (vasisthasana) on a rocky beach in front of blue sea in Croatia
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Zig Ziglar

Leah is a strong believer that the only prerequisite for a yoga class is an open mind.

Flexibility goes a long way in yoga, but flexibility of the mind is far more important to create growth. Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice designed to allow practitioners to reach a permanent state of peace.

Through breathwork, meditation, the physical practice of asana, and lots of introspection, the practitioner is said to attain another state of consciousness. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to "union" — often interpreted as a union of mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga is an ongoing practice that teaches us to look within. For some, it can be life-changing; for others, it is simply physical exercise. Whatever its purpose,
"Yoga is a powerful vehicle for change. As you build strength, you start to believe in your own potential." - Tiffany Cruikshank

Female yoga teacher in black leggings and a green tank top sitting in lotus pose (padmasana) while holding lotus flowers in SingaporeA colorful floral decoration in the shape of a heart with an om symbol in the center in BaliSilhouette of a female yoga teacher standing in mountain pose (tadasana) with her hands in front of her heart in front of the statue of a face at the Temples of Angkor in Siem Reap, CambodiaClose up of a female yoga teacher folding forward in a standing forward fold big toe pose (padangusthasana) on a sandy beach in front of the ocean in Hong KongSilhouette of a hand gesture in the om mudra (jnana mudra) in front of a colorful sunset

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Silhouette of a female yoga teacher practicing compass pose (parivrtta surya yantrasana) on a sandy beach in front of a mountain with colorful clouds passing through a blue sky in Hong KongFemale yoga teacher in a bikini on green grass practicing one-legged downward facing dog pose (eka pada adho mukha svanasana) in SpainFemale yoga teacher in a bikini practicing reverse plank (purvottanasana) on a rocky beach in front of the sea in CroatiaThe backside of a female yoga teacher wearing all black seated in hero's pose (virasana) with her hands in reverse prayer behind her back on a sandy beach in front of a mountain in Hong KongFemale yoga teacher in a bikini on a paddle board in the middle of the sea practicing one-legged wheel pose (eka pada urdhva dhanurasana) in the PhilippinesFemale yoga teacher practicing a high crescent lunge pose on a sandy beach in front of the ocean and a mountain in Hong Kong